Homework and Important Dates

All homework is posted in Google Classroom.  Ask your student to login to his or her St. Mary Magdalen School Google Account.  Then your child can see all of his or her classes.  If you want to see what is happening for the week look at your child’s Google Calendar.  All of his or her assignments and upcoming tests or quizzes will be posted in the calendar.

Outdoor School is May 4 – 8, 2020

Homework 9-12

Patrol permission slips went home today if your student wanted one.  Please return the form as soon as possible.  The deadline to turn in the form is  Thursday, September 12th.

Your student was given a login and password to the program XTRA MATH.  This information has been glued into your student’s planner.  Your student now has access to a free program to practice multiplication math facts.   The program may only be used once a day.  The following are the steps to login.

  1.  Click on the XTRA MATH Link.  https://xtramath.org/#/home/index
  2. Go to the blue section in the upper right corner and click on “Sign In”
  3. Click on the green student tab.
  4. Enter Mrs. Tyndall’s email jtyndall@stmarym.org.  Then type your name and pin.  (Your name and pin are located in your SMM planner.)
  5. Begin the program and continue practicing until the program says “You Are Done”.

Homework 9-5

Remember to give your parent the school envelope if you received one today.

Signed Technology and Emergency Forms are due.

SVDP Food Collection is tomorrow.  Free Dress according to the Parent Student Handbook.  (No boots, sandals, tank tops, or bare midriffs)

Summer 2019

Welcome to 5th Grade!  What is the best way to help your incoming fifth grader over the summer?

1- Read.

2- Practice multiplication math facts and previously learned 4th grade concepts in math.  You can visit the following websites for math, or you can pick up a 4th grade workbook to review previously learned math concepts.




